If a Presidential Candidate Lost Can He Run Again

What lies alee for Donald Trump after president-elect Joe Biden's inauguration day on January 20 is still unknown.

Mr Trump has yet to concede to Mr Biden and has instead promised unspecified legal challenges to endeavor to overturn the outcome of the race.

Given the big base of loyal Trump of supporters that remain in the US, the question has to be asked — tin Mr Trump run for president again in the 2024 election?

Here's what yous need to know if Mr Trump were to run again.

Can Trump run again in 2024?

Yes, he can.

In the Usa, a president tin can serve two terms and they can be not-consecutive.

Afterward two terms in office, that's it.

Equally the 22nd amendment of the US constitution states, "no person shall be elected to the part of the President more than than twice."

In iv years, Mr Trump will exist 78 years old, just a year older than Joe Biden is right now.

Has a one-term president ever been re-elected?

Yep. Grover Cleveland did just that, serving as president from 1885-1889 and so 1893-1897.

He is the only president to go out the White House and return for a second term four years later.

He was the commencement Democrat elected after the Ceremonious War, and served every bit the 22nd and 24th president of the United States.

But Douglas Brinkley, a professor of history at Rice Academy in Texas, said "one-term presidents are rare".

"In that location's a great advantage to being an incumbent. And Trump squandered it," he said, arguing that Mr Trump would likely be seen equally "an insurgent figure".

What have Republicans said virtually Mr Trump running in 2024?

Until a successor emerges to atomic number 82 Republicans — probable not until the resolution of the 2024 Republican primary —Donald Trump remains the de facto head of a party that he has reshaped in his paradigm.

Mr Trump'south former main of staff, Mick Mulvaney, said in an online interview with the Institute of International and European Affairs he could see Mr Trump running again.

"He doesn't like losing," he said.

Republicans outside the White House on Saturday (local time) warned that Mr Trump could tarnish his legacy if he does non eventually make a graceful exit, and erode his future political power.

"Even in defeat, Donald Trump has exceeded expectations and helped other Republicans do the aforementioned," said GOP (Grand Old Party aka Republican) consultant Michael Steel, who has worked on Capitol Hill and for campaigns.

"He volition remain a powerful force within the party."

Ari Fleischer is a former White House press secretarial assistant who served under sometime president George W. Bush.

He said the Republican party would likely be looking for someone with the blunt outspoken voice of an outsider who would at the aforementioned time refrain from going "so far that your tweets push people away that want to be for you".

Could we come across another Trump family member run in 2024?

Well, the race for the 2024 Republican nomination has already quietly begun backside the scenes.

A wide range of candidates are testing the waters, from moderates like Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, to Arkansas senator Tom Cotton and former Trump officials similar ex-Due south Carolina governor Nikki Haley.

But Mr Trump'southward eldest son, Donald Trump Jr, has go a particular favourite with the president's loyal supporters on the campaign trail.

He serves as executive vice-president at the Trump Arrangement in a dual function with younger brother Eric Trump.

Trump Jr posted on Twitter on November half-dozen saying: "The total lack of action from well-nigh all of the '2024 GOP hopefuls' is pretty amazing.

"They accept a perfect platform to prove that they're willing and able to fight but they will cower to the media mob instead. Don't worry @realDonaldTrump volition fight and they can watch as usual!"

He also posted an image of himself in forepart of a banner with the words "Don Jr 2024" on Instagram just two weeks ago.

He wrote every bit the caption: "Hahahahaha. Oh boy. This was a sign I saw upward at the Fallon Nevada Livestock Auction. This will make the lib heads explode."

"To whomever made that cheers for the compliment … but let'southward become through 2020 with a big win kickoff!!!!"

At that place's as well Ivanka Trump to consider.

Ms Trump now has years of assistants feel serving as a White House advisor to her begetter.

Donald Trump gives two thumbs up while Ivanka Trump is smiling and clapping.

Ivanka Trump has been involved in policy work during her father'south presidency.( Reuters: Aaron P Bernstein )

Co-ordinate to the White House, in her role Ivanka: "Focuses on the education and economical empowerment of women and their families too as chore creation and economic growth through workforce development, skills training and entrepreneurship."

She also served equally an unpaid employee in the White House, saying back in 2017 when she was given the role, she had "heard the concerns some have with my advising the President in my personal chapters".

Any ideas of what Trump volition do after Biden is sworn in?

Information technology remains unclear whether Mr Trump will accept the results of the election as he spends the side by side three months as a lame-duck president.

Barbara Res, a longtime Trump associate who recently wrote a book about her experience working with him, speculated the President might leave the country before Mr Biden's inauguration and perhaps pursue his ain media empire.

"He could put on whatsoever he wants. He could say whatever he wants. It's nigh like having Twitter explode into everything else," she said.

Every bit for the future for Republicans, GOP consultant Mr Steel said the party would probable look to leaders who combine elements of Trump's populist agenda with policies that appeal to a broader swath of the electorate.

"The challenge will be identifying the popular, durable, and practical parts of his agenda and marrying them to policies and arguments that appeal to the broader electorate that the party will need to win at the national level in the future," he said.

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The concluding four years nether Donald Trump.


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Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-11-09/us-presidential-election-can-donald-trump-run-again-in-2024/12861664

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